Offering title support services that help title agents manage high volumes with ease, while ensuring compliance and reducing costs in title production by over 30-40%
At PrivoCorp, we offer end-to-end Title support services to Title Agents, Underwriters, Attorneys, Lenders and Vendor management companies. We can help your company order title search reports, tax reports, analyze the financial implications of the loan, arrange for the transfer of property rights and even acquire mortgage policies if needed, all within a quick turnaround time and at affordable cost.
Our team has vast experience and deep domain expertise within the Title Industry that has enabled us in offering very high-quality services. We understand your business challenges are around managing cost, turn time, scalability, volume fluctuations & quality.

Software We Work On
- Qualia ®
- Title Express ®
- RamQuest ®
- SoftPro ®
- Gator ®
- DataTrace ®
- DataTree ®
- TitlePoint ®
- AIM ®
- LandTech ®
Title Support Assistance We Offer

- Title Search – Current Owner, Two Owner, Full Search: Search Reports cover Current Owner Search, Two Owner Search, Ownership & Encumbrance, Legal & Vesting, Deed & Mortgage, Liens & Judgement and TSG/REO.
- Tax Certificates: Procure tax assessment, payment details, current/delinquency status and any other lien attached to the property that is in county records.
- Municipal Lien Searches: This search will find unrecorded liens, in addition to code violations, special assessments, utility, and open or expired permits issues that are associated with residential or commercial real estate.
Policy & Commitment Typing: We provide support in commitment typing to capture data from the search package into the title production system. We also provide policy typing support in the client-specific production system.
Leveraging our experience, we are able to deliver zero errors in typing.
- Mortgage Title Insurance: We provide tailored title insurance processing to evaluate a property and verify ownership records. If you are looking for a solution to review the property, evaluate its ownership details, physical conditions, and pending litigation, we can provide appropriate solutions covering all aspects of property insurance. Our detailed research includes an in-depth study of conveyances, encroachments, and mistakes in public records. Our all-inclusive mortgage title insurance processing will help you review real estate liens, mortgages, and defects with quick turnaround time.
- Title Ordering & Examination: A thorough and meticulous check needs to be carried out while examining the title. The search encompasses taxes, lawsuits, judgments, liens, and legal claims. The PrivoCorp 's team can perform an exhaustive examination of the title and ensure that the lender is insulated from fraudulent property transactions. This will help you obtain accurate and up-to-date info that will ease your other mortgage process.

- Title Inspection: List the financial obligations associated with the property, including legal claims, lawsuits, taxes, judgments, and liens, as well as any other issues that could impact the transaction, including a quality check to verify the right sequence of file numbers, the presence of all pages, and the quality of all images. It is at this point that we confirm the legal description of the property and assess the completeness of records.
- Title Commitment: After completing the title search and ordering the title, we obtain a commitment report. It contains the details of the title insurance and conditions of insurance. At this stage, we can start to clear anomalies and defects that were identified during the title examination. This will facilitate a smooth closure between the lender and the buyer.
- Estoppel Letter / Estoppel Certificate
HOA Estoppel Search Includes:
- Association Estoppel
- Master/Sub Association Estoppel
- Attorney Payoffs
- Governing Documents
- A Clear Summary Cover Sheet highlighting results
- Lien Search
Lien Search Includes:
- Code Enforcement Violations
- Building Permits
- Real Estate Property Taxes
- Sewer Utility Balances
- Solid Waste Utility Balances
- Special Assessments
- Storm Water Utility Balances
- A Clear Summary Cover Sheet highlighting results
Find out how PrivoCorp can help title agents manage volume fluctuations effortlessly while ensuring compliance
Benefits of partnering with PrivoCorp for Title Support Services
- Highly trained title processors working full-time
- 99% accuracy guaranteed in review of title documents for protection of lender’s interests (Title commitment, title examination, title insurance, etc.)
- Up to 30% reduction in TAT, leveraging a 24/7 work environment
- Up to 40% reduction in per employee operational cost
- Flexibility to scale work up by 50% during peak times
- Seamless communication and highly transparent operations
- 100% data confidentiality and privacy
Key Differentiators
- Flexible Engagement Model – Variable Pricing aligned to Client business requirement
- Powered by Technology – Leveraging AI/ML based tools and Autotyping, we ensure faster Title report generation
- Domain Expertise – Over 10+ years’ experience in Title domain
ServicesOur Title Support Services
We offer a range of Title search reports at faster turnaround times and reduced costs
With an excellent attention to detail, we assist you in identifying possible pitfalls on Title Examination
Know more…When it comes to nationwide tax reports, you can count on us.
Know more…Cure Title Issues Quickly with our experienced Title experts
Know more…We help you speed up your eRecording process.
Know more…Improved quality and reduced costs in Title Production
Know more…